

《联合早报》- 记载新加坡道教史和玉皇宫修复过程 道教协会新书《受禄于天》发布 (2020-07-27)



土豆 - 《受禄于天 - 走进新加坡玉皇宫》新书介绍

《受禄于天 - 走进新加坡玉皇宫》新书介绍 TAOIST CULTURE IN SINGAPORE : A LIVING TRADITION 新书发布会: 25-07-2020 OFFICIAL LAUNCH: 25-07-2020 本书内容 Content 四大部分 4 Main segments 。第一章 吾道其南 Taoism in Singapore 。第二章 受禄于天 “Blessings” from Heaven 。第三章 古迹新颜 Reviving our heritage 。第四章 回首前尘 A walk down memory lane 三个附录 3 Appendixes 多名学者参与,是学界和宗教界的跨界合作成果 A joint effort by scholars and collaborations between the academic and religious fields. 海内外道教研究的学者撰文,是少有的系统研究本地道教的著作 Collections of Taoism research articles by overseas and local academia. A rare publication containing a systematic research findings of local Taoism. 详细记录国家古迹庆德楼的修复过程 Detailed documentation of the restoration of the national monument – the former Keng Teck Whay building. 本书为非卖品。 只赠送给捐助者。凡捐助$200 或以上者可获得一本精装本。 赠完为止! Publication is not for sale, however, every donation of $200 and above entitles a complimentary standard edition in support of the publication project. While stocks last!

《新明日报》- 庆德楼耗资380万修复 道教协会明年出新书 (2019-12-03)

《联合晚报》- 新加坡道教协会新书发布会《走进新加坡玉皇宫》明年3月正式面世 (2019-12-03)

《联合早报》- 道协明年出新书 记载玉皇宫修复过程 (2019-12-04)



958 - 道教协会明年将推出书籍 记录庆德楼蜕变为玉皇宫的修复过程和道教发展

Straits Times - New chapter for temple (2019-12-07)

Straits Times - Taoist Mission to publish book documenting restoration of building housing the Singapore Yu Huang Gong 

SINGAPORE - Just six months after moving into their new home in Telok Ayer Street in 2010, the Taoist Mission (Singapore) had to move out.

The Keng Teck Whay building - built in the 19th-century and gazetted as a national monument in 2009 - was declared unsafe for occupancy after a picture showing its damaged roof rafters appeared in Chinese daily Lianhe Zaobao.

This marked the start of a four-year long preservation project which cost around $3.8 million and transformed the Keng Teck Whay building into Singapore Yu Huang Gong, or Temple of the Heavenly Jade Emperor, in honour of the highest deity in Taoism. The temple was opened to the public in 2015.

This restoration process will now be documented through a collection of 200 photographs in a book the Taoist Mission is launching in March next year, it announced on Tuesday (Dec 3).

The Taoist Mission, which promotes orthodox Taoist teachings and disciplines, was founded in 1996 and currently has 18 management members.

Titled Heavenly Blessings, the book also includes information about Taoism, its culture in Singapore, and the history of Keng Teck Whay, a private mutual aid Hokkien Peranakan organisation first established in 1831.

Only 1,600 copies will be printed, of which 300 will be luxury editions bearing title plaques inscripted on slabs of partially damaged wood removed from the building during its reconstruction.

The Taoist Mission hopes that the book, a recipient of the National Heritage Board's (NHB) Heritage Project Grant, will be a useful resource for people interested in traditional Chinese architecture.

As the former Keng Teck Whay Yu building is a National Monument, it had to be restored in exact accordance to its original design.

For example, the intricate, polychromatic paintings adorning the temple's doors and wall panels are a distinct feature of the architectural style in Quanzhou, Fujian province, and a team of artists from the region were flown in to restore the drawings and murals to their original splendour.

The team also worked on the ornamental sculptures of dragons, fishes and flowers on the roof ridges, which were made using the jian nian (cut and paste) technique.

The roof of Singapore Yu Huang Gong, which features ornamental sculptures of dragons, fishes and flowers made with the jian nian (cut and paste) technique. PHOTO: TAOIST MISSION (SINGAPORE)

It also had to deal with structural damage to the building, which was mainly due to termite infestations and the rotting of wood.

True to the traditional Hokkien style, the building was constructed entirely from interlocking beams of timber, without the use of nails.

"The beams are stacked like Lego," said Master Lee Zhiwang, President of Taoist Mission. "We removed each piece from the top to the bottom, replaced the damaged ones, and then assembled them again."

The roof of Singapore Yu Huang Gong, which is built in the traditional Hokkien style, using interlocking beams of timber.
As Yu Huang Gong is sandwiched between a park and Thian Hock Keng temple, there was little space for heavy machinery and the construction team had to carry the beams in manually or up with a pulley system.
Taoist Master Lee Zhiwang, president of the Taoist Mission, said the former Keng Teck Whay building in Telok Ayer Street is steeped in history.
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During the restoration, the team found the roof's original brown terracotta tiles, which had been hidden by layers of plaster and paint from repairs made over the years.

"It was an interesting discovery for us because everyone thought the tiles were glazed green," said Master Lee.

"We even had to send a piece down to NHB (National Heritage Board)'s Preservation of Sites and Monuments division to explain why we were reverting the colour of the roof to brown," he added.

《联合晚报》- 新加坡道教协会新书发布会《走进新加坡玉皇宫》明年3月正式面世 (2019-12-03)

 《新明日报》- 庆德楼耗资380万修复 道教协会明年出新书 (2019-12-03)

《联合早报》- 张克润:从“庆德楼”到“玉皇宫” (2020-08-15)


  如今,祠堂保留刻写开埠先贤杨金水、徐钦元、陈有郎及洪俊成等共35名“桃园结义兄弟”的碑文。可见,庆德楼意义非凡,代表与天福宫、崇文阁连成一气,为东南亚独一无二的中国南方传统庙宇建筑典范,成为市区重建局“唐人街历史分区”(Chinatown Historic District)核心地标,并见证团结福建华裔移民和福建会馆的成立。
  莱佛士登陆与苏丹胡赛因签订建立贸易站后,海唇福德祠、应和会馆(原祀关公)、粤海清庙、纳哥圣殿、庆德会、天福宫及阿尔阿布拉回教堂,成为莱佛士市区规划(Raffles Town Plan)中唐人甘榜(Chinese Campong)以东方建筑为主的宗教古迹区。


 王鸾 - 读书