
华社华团系列讲座:“青山一道同云雨” - 从古庙碑刻看新呷两地渊源

NLB - 华社华团系列讲座:“青山一道同云雨” - 从古庙碑刻看新呷两地渊源

华社华团系列讲座:“青山一道同云雨” - 从古庙碑刻看新呷两地渊源​



新马知名历史学者。毕业于南洋大学历史系, 获一等荣誉学位,曾服务于政府部门和法定机构,有在华经商经验。 业余从事新加坡华人史研究,编著史册甚多,如《新加坡华族史论集》、《石叻史记》、《 新加坡华人通史》及近著《从龙牙门到新加坡:东西海洋文化交汇点》等等。 柯木林现为华裔馆董事、国家图书馆咨询委员会委员、晚晴园智囊团成员、新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会理事兼学术委员会主任,及泉州华侨历史博物馆海外顾问等。

The Chinese Community Series: Stone tablets in old temples depict historical ties between Singapore and Malacca

The Chinese community in Singapore and Malacca during 19th century was dominated by the families of See, Neo and Tan. See Hoot Kee and his brother in law Neo Bee Kiat, the families of Tan Tock Seng and Tan Kim Seng were also worth mentioning. Three generations of the Tan Families were the prominent Chinese community leaders then. To date, we are still able to understand their contributions through the plaque and tablets that were preserved at the old temples, e.g. Cheng Hoon Teng Temple in Malacca and Thian Hock Keng as well as Hong San See Temple in Singapore.

About the speaker: Kua Bak Lim
A renowned historian in Singapore and Malaysia, Kua Bak Lim graduated from Nanyang University with first class Honors in History. Besides being a historian, he was a civil servant, an employee of Statutory Board and has also experience doing business in China. He was author and editor of many books, including "Symposium of the Chinese History in Singapore ", “The History of Selat “, “A General History of the Chinese in Singapore". His recent publication is “From Longyamen- the Gate of Dragon teeth to Singapore: The Hub of Maritime Civilization between the East and West”. Mr. Kua is currently a Board member of Chinese Heritage Centre, member of National Library Advisory Committee, Resource Panel of Wan Qing Yuan -Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, Council Member of Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations cum Chairman of its Research Committee, and Consultant to Quanzhou Overseas Chinese Museum in China.

随笔南洋网 - 柯木林: 青山一道同云雨 - 从古庙碑刻看新呷两地渊源

  主讲人:柯木林,新马知名历史学者。毕业于南洋大学历史系, 获一等荣誉学位,曾服务于政府部门和法定机构,有在华经商经验。 业余从事新加坡华人史研究,编著史册甚多,如《新加坡华族史论集》、《石叻史记》、《 新加坡华人通史》及近著《从龙牙门到新加坡:东西海洋文化交汇点》等等。


    地点:国家图书馆大厦16楼观景阁 The Pod

《联合早报》- 国家图书馆活动 - 华社华团系列讲座:“青山一道同云雨” - 从古庙碑刻看新呷两地渊源

《源》132期 - 三大家族与新呷两地渊源