
讲座:倾诉不尽的思念 -- 侨批背后的故事

讲座:倾诉不尽的思念 -- 侨批背后的故事



新马知名历史学者, 1971年毕业于新加坡南洋大学历史系,获一等荣誉文学士学位。曾服务于新加坡政府部门及法定机构,有多年在华工作经验。


柯木林编著史册甚多,研究领域主要为新加坡华人历史文化,如《新加坡华族史论集》(1972年)、《 新华历史人物列传》(1995年)、《石叻史记》(2007年)、《 新加坡华人通史》(中文版,2015年)、《从龙牙门到新加坡:东西海洋文化交汇点》(2016年)及近著《新加坡华人通史》(英文版,2019年)等等。2019年5月获颁第三届“新加坡华族文化贡献奨”,目前是马来西亚新纪元大学学院客座教授。

Early migrants from China went overseas to look for opportunities and to seek a better life, leaving behind families in their home villages. How did they support their loved ones at home and keep in constant contact with them? Through a unique service known as qiaopi.

Overseas Chinese remittance houses dealing in the qiaopi business reached its prime during the post-war period. What were the historical reasons for the demise of the qiaopi industry in Singapore? How is it that qiaopi was recognised and registered in the Memory of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) with world heritage status? Let renowned Singapore historian Kua Bak Lim walk you through the untold stories of qiaopi through historical images and documents in this talk.

About Kua Bak Lim

Kua Bak Lim is a Council Member and Chairman of Research Committee, Singapore Federation Of Chinese Clan Associations. He also serves as Board of Governor, Chinese Heritage Centre, Nanyang Technological University; as a member of National Library Advisory Committee; on Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre’s Academic Advisory Committee; on the resource panel of Wan Qing Yuan - Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial, as Honourable Director of Nanyang Kuah Si Association; and as Consultant, Quanzhou History Museum of Overseas Chinese in China.

He is the author and editor of many notable publications including Symposium of the Chinese History in Singapore (1972); Who’s who in the Chinese community of Singapore (1995); and From Longyamen – The Gate of Dragon Teeth to Singapore: The Hub of Maritime Civilization Between the East and West”. His most recent publication is A General History of the Chinese in Singapore (Chinese edition, 2015 & English edition, 2019).

Kua was awarded the prestigious Singapore Chinese Cultural Contribution Award in 2019 for his outstanding efforts in championing research on the history and culture of Singapore’s Chinese community. He is now Adjunct Professor in Chinese Studies, New Era University College, Malaysia.

《联合早报》- 今天听什么 (2020-02-09)