

(新加坡: 新加坡道教协会, 2019年12月, 总页数258)

新加坡玉皇宫位于直落亚逸街天福宫隔邻, 1831年由36名土生华人组成的闭门组织庆德会所修建,供奉玉皇上帝和三官大帝。庆德楼向来不对外开放,2010年由新加坡道教协会接管后易名新加坡玉皇宫,2012年斥资380万元整修,2015年向公众开放。本书共收录15篇文章, 四个章节 : 吾道其南、受禄于天、古迹新颜、回首前尘,概述了新加坡的道教景观、从庆德会到玉皇宫的历程,以及庆德会作为国家古迹的修复经过。全书400余张照片,由新加坡历史学者柯木林主编,有精装、豪华两种版本,豪华版书名以庆德楼180年古木雕刻而成,值得珍藏。本书亦获新加坡国家文物局部分资金赞助。


 (新加坡国家古迹研究中心     故宫出版社   2019年1月, 总页数345)

凤山寺是新加坡一间著名的百年古庙,也是被联合国教科文机构(UNESCO)所认可的一座庙宇。这本《凤山寺:走向文化遗产历程》就是把这样一座富有历史及文化内涵的古庙,以文字、绘画、历史图片、图表等方式呈现出来。本书不仅记录了凤山寺的沿革历史,对其主祭神广泽尊王的信仰也作了深入研究与探讨。全书分为四大部分:(一)寻找广泽尊王;(二)古寺历史沿革; (三)重新修复方案; (四) 凤山寺名人录, 由新加坡国家文物局(National Heritage Board)资助部分出版経费。

Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations - Apex of Singapore Chinese Community

Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations - Apex of Singapore Chinese Community

Editors' Note - A General History of the Chinese in Singapore

Editors' Note - A General History of the Chinese in Singapore



《联合早报》- 记载新加坡道教史和玉皇宫修复过程 道教协会新书《受禄于天》发布 (2020-07-27)




A General History of the Chinese in Singapore

(Singapore : SFCCA & WSPC , Jun 2019, Total 969 pages)

The book documents over 700 years of Singapore’s history from her early years, even before Sir Stamford Raffles’ arrival. More specifically, it documents the life and development of the Chinese community in Singapore, as well as the role of the Chinese community in growing the nation’s economic, societal, cultural and even political scenes.

With “Pride in our Past, Legacy for our Future” as its key objective, this book aims to preserve the Singapore Chinese story, history and heritage for future generations, as well as keep our cultures and traditions alive. Therefore, the book aims to serve as a comprehensive guide for Singaporeans, new immigrants and foreigners to have an epitome of the Singapore society.


爱谈大小事之《博士来聊》 - 历史学习与华人社团是否不合时宜?-- 以新加坡为例

爱谈大小事之《博士来聊》 - 历史学习与华人社团是否不合时宜?-- 以新加坡为例

18/01 星期六 爱谈大小事之《博士来聊》节目预告!




Sun Yat Sen and His Revolutionary Comrades in Singapore

Sun Yat Sen and His Revolutionary Comrades in Singapore - Kua Bak Lim
Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies, 2018, 7(2), pg 17-34