This special exhibition offers a keen insight into the past where newspapers played a crucial role in connecting the overseas Chinese to their homeland. It will showcase more than 100 images and artefacts associated with early Chinese newspapers, prominent individuals who shaped the newspaper industry and the early printing industry in Singapore.
晚晴园 - 无限江山笔底收:新加坡早期中文报业 (1881-1942)
晚晴园 - 重话晚晴
《联合早报》- 傅海燕: 华文媒体肩负打造文化产业重任 (2016-05-29)
Sunday Times - Friendly face-off at Chinese newspaper exhibition (2016-05-29)
Straits Times - Exhibition shows early days of Chinese newspapers here (2016-05-30)
《新明日报》- "峇峇" 创办1881年出版 新加坡首份华文报 (2016-08-31)
《源》 2016年·第5期·总期:123 - 觉世牗民 独任其难 —— 薛有礼与《叻报》