

《源》- 119期 - 从晚晴园到香格里拉


  晚 晴园位于大人路12号,是辛亥革命期间孙中山的海外革命基地。香格里拉酒店是本地著名的“国际政治酒店”,许多重要的国际性会议与论坛,多数在这里举行。 从地图上看,两处相隔仅4.3公里, 车程约13分钟,两者之间并无相连。但由于最近“习马会”在香格里拉酒店举行,倒令我浮想翩翩,把两处联系在一起。
  当年孙中山之所以选择晚晴园,“就是这里的地方很静肃,离市区颇远,在这里聚会,不会惹人们的注意”,适合从事革命活动 (引陈楚楠在1940年元旦追述“晚晴园与中国革命史略”的演讲 )。
   至于香格里拉酒店之所以成为国际论坛的场所(如“香格里拉论坛”就是世界闻名的),在很大的程度上也是基于安全的考虑。这里只有一条通道(Orange Grove Road),地理位置的优势解决了保安上的问题。职是之故,两个地点不期而遇的成了新加坡近现代重要历史事件的见证地。
   2015年11月6日,中国国家主席习近平偕夫人彭丽媛莅临新加坡,开始为期两天的国事访问。习近平此行除了为新加坡中国文化中心主持揭幕仪式外,其中最 重大的一项任务就是与台湾总统马英九会面,就推进两岸关系和平发展交换意见。这是自1949年以来两岸领导人的首次会面, 也是国共两党领导人时隔66年的首次会谈, 在两岸关系发展史上,具有里程碑的意义。
  消息公布后,各界议论不断。为什么“习马会”安排在新加 坡?这当然有多方面的考虑。其中最直接的原因,就是新加坡是两岸领导人都可以接受的地点。1993年4月的第一次“汪辜会谈”在新加坡举行;改革开放以 来,不少中国国家领导人也到访新加坡。新加坡成为“习马会”的地点,也就顺理成章了!
  然而,作为本区域的政治中心,新加坡也有其历史因素。从 历史上看,地处南洋边陲的新加坡,一直是区域内推动和改变中国前途的地方。1877年清政府在新加坡设立了海外的第一个领事馆;1900年代,新加坡同时 扮演保皇运动的总部,及革命运动的基地。1930年代,全东南亚的抗日指挥部也设在新加坡。一百年后,这个位于马来半岛南端的小红点,再度发挥了其魅力! 可见任何重大事件的发生,都不是“忽如其来”的,而是有一定的历史轨迹可寻!
   如果说,习近平访问英国带去的是签署超过300亿英镑的经贸协议,那此行新加坡除了推动新中关系,为两国开创新前景外,其最大成効,在于选择了新加坡作 为“习马会”的地点,使新加坡再度见证两岸关系历史性的一刻,这是无价的。两岸领导人此次会面,也有利于地区的和平稳定。作为世界历史的一个重要部分, “习马会”会场更应该保留原状,这是大历史小注释的微信物,新加坡的骄傲,永载史册。
  今后海峡两岸关系发展如何,史家不作预言,也非本文的讨 论范畴。相信两岸存在的政治分歧问题终归会解决。“习马会”促使两岸领导人相逢一笑 ,有利于双方加强沟通、增进互信、具有积极意义。有朝一日, 当两岸达致大一统的共识时,晚晴园可是最好再度相聚的地点, 因为孙中山毕竟是两岸领导人所能共同接受的一代伟人。


初稿2015年11月07日 ,2015年11月22日 完稿
原载《源》双月刊, 期119  ( 新加坡 :宗乡会馆联合总会, 2016年2月),  页16-17

From Wan Qing Yuan to Shangri-La
By Kua Bak Lim

One of Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s (孙中山)overseas base of operation for the 1911  Revolution is the Wan Qing Yuan(晚晴园), located at No. 12 Tai Gin Road in Singapore. Within a short driving distance of about 4.3km away is the Shangri-La Hotel, now renowned locally as an international hotel favored by diplomats and politicians.  What especially struck me was the recent “Xi-Ma Meeting”(习马会), which took place in this hotel, in which I saw an striking recollection of connection between these two places.

Because Wan Qing Yuan was then situated in a secluded and peaceful locality, it offered the privacy for Dr. Sun Yat Sen to plan and deliberate on the Revolution. This was recorded in “Wan Qing Yuan and the Chinese Revolution 《晚晴园与中国革命史略》”, a recollection by Tan Chor Lam(陈楚楠), one of the followers of Dr Sun Yat Sen  ,  printed in the 1940s.

Also, from the security aspect,   Shangri-La hotel is ideally secluded, several international meetings were held there, which eventually led to the now famous series called “The Shangri-La Dialogues”. Naturally, both Shangri-La and Wan Qing Yuan had now become buildings of current historical significance.

On 6th Nov 2015, during the official 2-day visit of Mr and Mrs Xi Jinping (习近平) to Singapore, an important meeting was arranged with Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-Jeou (马英九).  This is the first time since 1949 that leaders across the Taiwan Straits have met, this location, representing a 66-year break and subsequent resumption of cross-straits meeting of two party leaders, is now a historical landmark.

Why was Singapore chosen as the meeting place?

It is apparent that Singapore was the most mutually acceptable to both leaders.  After the opening up of China's economic reforms, and since the first  "Wang-Koo Summit" (汪辜会谈)of April 1993, there was a  constant stream of visits by Chinese officials to Singapore. It was thus a natural development that the "Xi-Ma Meeting" would take place here. Furthermore, Singapore, being a regional political centre has many historical precedence. In 1877, the Qing Government had established its first foreign consulate  in Singapore. In the early 1900s, Singapore was a staging point for preserving the Imperial Qing China, and also ironically, the very Revolution that attempts to overthrow  Qing Dynasty.  In the 1930s, Singapore was the rallying point again for the South East Asian anti-Japanese war effort. There were various periods of co-operation between the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party despite inherent animosities. This was highlighted by the Two-Party united agreement in April 1937 to pursue the anti-Japanese war effort.

Singapore - China relationship reached a new height when Singapore was chosen for the "Xi - Ma Meeting". It shares an invaluable place in the history of development of cross-straits relationship and this meeting will certainly contribute towards regional peace and stability. This may well be the pride of Singapore’s role in cross-straits relationship in the days to come.
What, then, is the future development of the cross-straits relationship? No historian can predict this, and neither is it the scope of this article. I believe that the two sides will resolve their problems in due course. The "Xi-Ma Meeting" has been cordial; it strengthened the communication channels and enhanced mutual trust. Should one day the two political forces representing China can be re-unified, Wan Qing Yuan would then again be the ideal place to meet; after all Dr. Sun Yat Sen is still a great historical figure that is revered by leaders of both sides of the straits!

Translated by Kwan Yue Keng , vetted by the Writer,  a local historian